Posted by: Tito | November 6, 2009

Changing startup sound in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic


  1. Thanks! I could finally mute the login sound! 🙂

    • You’re welcome. 🙂

  2. At last a solution for changing the login. Any ideas for logout and all the other sounds for events that were so easy to do in older versions under sounds?

  3. I can’t get permission to copy a file into that directory. It says I’m not the owner when I try to change permissions

    • You need root permission to do this.
      Run Nautilus as root by typing

      $sudo nautilus

      in the terminal and browse to that folder.
      I hope that works :).

  4. You are THE MAN !

    Thanks a lot sir

  5. nice information.. thx..

  6. The gnome developers really treat users as STUPID, and like Windoze users jail lovers.
    They decided to remove Users Freedom to change System sounds, GDM settings, they always try to keep it SIMPLE STUPID DESKTOP FOR STUPID PEOPLE. they think users are not smart enough to use GNU.
    KDE gives you more control, GNOME hide more control for you.

    • I hate to break it to ya, its ubuntu not gnome that disables the root account by default. Even Kubuntu which uses KDE has the root disabled

  7. I’m recieving the below message when I try the $sudo nautilus command, and it doesn’t allow me to change the contents of the …. /ubuntu/stereo/ folder. Any ideas?

    Eel-CRITICAL **: eel_preferences_get_boolean: assertion `preferences_is_initialized ()’ failed

  8. I followed your directions but am unable to get the sound to play. I tried reverting back to the original settings but that also does not work. Any suggestions?

  9. Thanks, works great!

  10. also if you put this in the terminal
    “sudo passwd root”
    you can set the password and thereby enable the root account and you canthen login as root from the main screen and not have to worry with sudoing, if you screw something up though thats a whole other matter

  11. Thanks, now I can put the StarCraft sound like in 9.04!

  12. Nice try man, you helped me to learn how to change my startup sound, but, the way you teach is not the best choice. I tried your way, and now my user login is without any sound, and thats because you say:

    Change “desktop-login” to the name of the sound file you want, without file extension.
    Click Save and close the startup dialog.

    Just after following this, and seeing that my system was without any sound, that i tried to do the opposite with root, and guess what? it worked…So, instead of change “desktop-login” to the name of the sound file you want, just change the name of the file sound that you want to “desktop-login” and everything will be fine!

    • Same happened to me in ubuntu 10.10! How am I supposed to fix it?

  13. thanks so much … finally after much searching found your helpful post

  14. Great work dude! I now have the mac sound…
    Can you post how to show the HD on the desktop (Hard Drive) like in the mac.

  15. […] Of course, Google helped me with this task, and it brought me to this post. […]

  16. You might change your instructions to gksu nautilus, since using sudo for graphical applications can really mess things up.
    If you search around a bit, you’ll find several good articles relating to gksu vs. sudo.

    Other than this, thanks for the how-to…

  17. You may put the startup sound in usr/share/sounds and then maybe change “desktop-loging” if necessary see at:

  18. Woohoo! Thanks Tito, my PC now sounds like a car starting and revving it’s engine!!! Hilarious! 😀

    I acquired my sound files from the lovely people at . They have a big list of free of charge sound effects. Much thanks to them as well.

  19. with your instructions i find the place that the sounds are <>
    then i chose my custom starup and shutdown ogg sounds
    i rename them with the exact name as the original ubuntu .oog file
    overwriten them and vouala !!
    As simple as it gets

  20. … highly useful, although i ended up having to convert my mp3 file :-<<

  21. It is still dumb that Linux does not have sound themes. foolishness like this is why Windows is still whipping our ass. {sighs}

    • @Eric. Not an attempt to ignite a flame war, but I think that users that have a deep seated need for easily obtainable shiny pictures and jangly noises, are indeed well suited to Windows 🙂

      • Ordinary people you mean? 😉

      • I guess lol

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